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Sustainable Irrigation Systems for Farms

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Water Dynamics have been partnering with farms for over 30 years and we are proud to be synonymous with agricultural irrigation in Australia. Whether a farm is looking to upgrade their farm’s existing irrigation system, invest in a new system or maintain their current one, more farms across Australia turn to Water Dynamics each year.

In 2014-2015 agricultural businesses in Australia used 9 million megalitres of water to irrigate 2.1 million hectares of crops and pastures. We understand the vital role irrigation plays in a farm’s operations. We appreciate water is one of a farm’s largest cost inputs, while also playing a vital role in ensuring a farm’s crops, pastures and livestock remain viable.

We are dedicated to providing smart solutions for all of your irrigation needs.

Our range of irrigation services for farms include:

Water Dynamics provides quality irrigation solutions for a wide range of verticals, including:



Tailored agriculture irrigation systems

Irrigating Crops California, USAWhen upgrading or developing new irrigation systems we tailor our recommendation to your farm’s unique irrigation needs. In designing irrigation solutions that are finely tuned to your needs and budget, our irrigation experts will take into account your topography, available water resources, crop/livestock type, growing media and climatic conditions. Our range of irrigation solutions for the ag industry include:

Design, supply and installation of your irrigation requirements

We help you with every stage of your farm’s irrigation planning. From a detailed site audit to installing your irrigation system according to irrigation standards, we also look after your irrigation maintenance needs into the future.

Australia’s number one T-L centre pivot and linear irrigator supplier


t-l-irrigator-water-dynamicsWater Dynamics is proud to be Australia’s number one distributor of the only hydraulically powered irrigation system in the market, T-L centre pivots and linear irrigators. We have sold, installed and serviced over 1,000 T-L irrigators across Australia for over 30 years.

Partnering with the agricultural industry into the future

We look forward to continuing to work closely with the agricultural industry in Australia to assist them in remaining competitive in the global market. As part of our commitment to the Australian agricultural industry, we partner with some of Australia’s leading agricultural associations, including Ausveg, Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association and Fruit Growers Victoria.

Call us today on 1800 571 812 to speak with one of our irrigation specialists and find out how we can help you with your farm’s irrigation.  


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