Water Dynamics Mt Gambier’s ‘legend-dairy’ partnership with progressive local producer

When living and working within a region such as South-East South Australia, where 49%* of the land is classed as modified pastoral land, you can presume that professional irrigation and water management services would be high on a farmer’s list of priorities.
The team at Water Dynamics Mt Gambier take great pride in the support role they play to provide dairy and livestock producers within the South-East SA region the help they need to deliver high quality products to their customers’ season after season.
Beston Farms Pty Ltd are one of these key local producers that operate within the South-East South Australia, and with their high level of production, they demand optimal irrigation systems and water management solutions from the suppliers they choose to partner with.
Water Dynamics Mt Gambier are in a successful relationship with Beston Farms Pty Ltd playing an integral role in installing, servicing and maintaining the sixteen mostly T-L centre pivot irrigators, across their four properties.
Dairy producers, such as Beston Farms Pty Ltd, stake their reputation and livelihoods on Water Dynamics’ ability to provide and maintain quality irrigation equipment such as centre pivots, pumps and other farm water infrastructure – and they aren’t alone, as South-East South Australia is responsible for 88%* of the state’s dairy cattle farming.
The T-L hydraulic centre pivot irrigators have consistently proven to be up to the task of operating in South Australia and Western Victoria’s very demanding and diverse climate, which in turn has allowed a very successful partnership to be forged with South East irrigators based on experience, knowledge and trust – and this partnership shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
With end-to-end knowledge of the industry and supplier expectations, Water Dynamics Mt Gambier is a ‘legend-dairy’ partner for all dairy producers in South Australia.
Are you a local South Australian producer seeking a similar partnership with a trusted provider?
Water Dynamics Mt Gambier is a locally based business backed up by quality well-recognised brands, substantial inventory of parts, supported by an experienced team of employees with the equipment to carry out the work. We have the ability to complete projects, all in-house, from designing the system, construction and installation, then commissioning and training your staff at the completion of the project.
We are located at 233 Jubilee Highway West Mt Gambier, and we are able to visit you on-site, if required. Dairy and livestock producers can have peace of mind knowing that once our equipment has been installed, Water Dynamics provide ongoing advice, servicing and maintenance to keep equipment performing optimally for years to come.
*Source: agriculture.gov.au
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