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Experts in Turf Irrigation

sporting-ground-irrigationWater Dynamics has the expertise, equipment and dedicated technical support to help councils, golf courses and sporting grounds reduce water consumption and protect water quality in parks, reserves and fields. We provide a full range of services for turf irrigation including:


Water is vital for the health of your sporting ground’s turf

Irrigation requirements for individual sporting grounds are unique depending on the type of grass, the weather, size of the field, sport being played and the frequency of use. For a standard cricket or football oval around 80,000 – 100,000litres of water are required 2-3 times per week in order to ensure consistent growth and repair to damaged areas.

Whether you are considering portable irrigation systems, for example an Irrifrance hard hose reel machine or in ground, fully automatic Hunter or Rainbird rotor systems, Water Dynamics work with groundsmen to design solutions for your individual field’s operational and budgetary requirements.
We also provide advice on how to achieve the most from your water sources, whether you use water tanks, reclaimed water or ground water.   



A complete irrigation audit for your park

Our certified irrigation designers conduct a complete irrigation audit to show you where improvements can be made to your current systems. We then help you implement targeted monitoring equipment, more water-efficient irrigation technology and improved irrigation practices based on the topography and water source at each of your sites toirrigation-maintenance significantly reduce your water use. We’ll also suggest strategies for sustainably harnessing groundwater and storm water for irrigation on larger parks and reserves.

Our team of water engineers consistently work with councils around Australia and can help you meet the challenges of efficient water use now and into the future. Water Dynamics is on hand to provide advice on future design projects to ensure they employ irrigation and water efficiency best practices.



Turf Irrigation Brochure (1mb)

Call us today on 1800 571 812 to find out how we can help you efficiently irrigate your turf today.


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