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Customised Irrigation Solutions for Your Stone Fruit Orchard


Production of stone fruit has risen by 25% over the last decade, with Australia now producing over 100,000 tonnes of stone fruit per year. Australia’s stone fruit industry is dominated by peaches, nectarines and cherries, but also includes plums and apricot.

Stone fruit trees have particular watering requirements compared to other fruit tree. Stone fruit trees must be irrigated regularly to ensure consistent fruit size, tree growth and quality production during key growth and fruiting periods. With water requirements dependent on a number of climate and soil factors, installing the right irrigation system is crucial to delivering quality production year after year.

Water Dynamics are highly experienced in designing, supplying and installing irrigation systems for stone fruit trees to help achieve both water efficiency and maximum output. With branches located in key stone fruit growing regions of the Murray Darling basin, Water Dynamics are well equipped with the local knowledge and expertise to ensure your customised irrigation system meets the various watering requirements of your orchard. 

Call us today on 1800 571 812 to speak with one of our irrigation specialists and find out how we can help you with your farm’s irrigation.


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