Canturf Canberra uses T-L Pivots from Water Dynamics Yarrawonga

Andy Middleton, Canturf’s Production Manager, recalls how their business has historically used two methods to irrigate turf; fixed underground with risers and sprinklers, and more recently, centre pivots.
“The move to centre pivots in 1995 was revolutionary as it assured us that our turf could be irrigated very efficiently, especially in our harsh windy environment in Bungendore. We not only saw an increase in production but also a much more consistent product.”
“We selected T-L pivots due to the use of hydraulics to drive the pivot wheels rather than electric drives. We have our pivots regularly serviced by Water Dynamics and haven’t had anything major go wrong with them. With the hydraulic system, if anything does go wrong, we have a chance of fixing it ourselves. With an electrical problem we probably wouldn’t get up and running again as quick”, Andy said.
“We’ve now installed two more T-L pivots in Fyshwick and another two at Bungendore, which provides high quality fodder for beef cattle on 240 acres irrigated by pivots.”
“The maintenance required for the underground system was a full time job for at least one man with added problems of inefficient pressures, sprinkler blockages and broken risers.” “Maintenance time for the pivots is virtually zero,” Andy said.
Canturf moved its turf farming to Fyshwick in 2002, and immediately went to work with Water Dynamics Yarrawonga to install two pivots
“We’ve been through a long lasting drought and tough water restrictions, both on potable water and our own water supply, and thanks to the efficiency of the pivots we got through it relatively well.”
“The unique T-L hydraulic drive, continuous movement produces application uniformity.
Our state of the art irrigation system is a great marketing tool as it helps us achieve the most consistent turf possible and our customers can vouch for that, as it looks the same once rolled out.” Andy said.
To discuss any of your irrigation projects which could benefit from a T-L centre pivot solution, please give Water Dynamics a call on 1800 571 812.
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