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Filters for Irrigation and Beyond

Irrigation filters

Filtration helps to ensure the quality of your water and protects your irrigation system from becoming clogged by soil, water or air contaminants, reducing costly replacements and unnecessary downtime.

Water Dynamics supplies a large range of irrigation filters from leading brands including Netafifilter-housings-and-cartridgesm, Arkal, Toro, Amaid and NaanDaan Jain. Our range includes:

  • Disc filters
  • Screen filters
  • Sand filters
  • Filter spares including elements and screens

Domestic filtersPuretec-Filtration-System

Our stores stock a range of domestic filtration products that are driven by smart technology, water conservation and easy maintenance. Our range includes:

  • Filter housings including undersink filters and filter cartridges
  • Media filters
  • UV filters
  • Inline filters including filter screens

We supply domestic filters from many leading brands and have a strong partnership with Puretec. We also supply a range of water treatment products including water tank treatments.

Contact us today for your filtration requirements on 1800 571 812.


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