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Water Management Solutions for Australian Mines

Whether you’re looking for solutions in dust suppression, dewatering, water transfer or bore pump packages, Water Dynamics can advise you on the optimal design and products to suit your site’s needs and budget. We supply products from leading brands across pumps, filters and valves and can advise on water management applications across both transfer and process applications.

Dust suppression on mine sites

coal-dust-suppression-300-x-200-v2Airborne dust on both above and underground mine sites is an increasingly important operational consideration for mining companies, government and local communities due to health, safety and environmental considerations. Additionally mine sites can experience serious financial penalty for not adequately managing dust emissions that resulted from blasting, drilling, processing and transporting.

Water Dynamics offers multiple solutions for mine sites to assist in suppressing the dust that is generated from mining activities. We design, supply and service both wetting systems with fixed and mobile sprinklers, as well as airborne capture systems. We source system components, including sprinklers, valves, filters and piping from reputable suppliers that include Nelson and Rainbird.

Call us today on 1800 571 812 to find out more about the water management techniques we have used on mine sites for over 30 years.


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